Case Studies


Scope of work

To develop and deploy, an energy management application for the tobacco industry, based on the existing hard- and software components.

Solution´s description

Based on ISO50001 standards,  the CENDID energy management application provided plant managers with a detailed analysis of energy use at the production site. Both management and technical specific information were provided at the monitoring level. Non-technical Plant Managers have quick access to overviews such as Current status, Outlook, target performance, cost savings etc,. An integrated forecasting system provided the information necessary to purchase the optimized amount of energy.
Engineers at the operational level were fed with detailed data on energy consumption, CO2 emissions, energy saving potentials including detailed technical information (KPI´s; performance ratio; etc.)
The CENDID energy management system also allowed international enterprises to monitor energy use at multiple production sites easily. Also available are standalone CENDID metering boxes that deliver accurate site level energy consumption information.
With the energy profile documented, the energy optimisation design phase began with CENDID’s engineering services.


Scope of work

CENDID developed a plant asset management system for a South Korean enterprise with production interests in Chemical, Textile and Power Transmission. CENDID was tasked with analysing Asset Lifecycle Costs and ways how to reduce them.

Solution´s description

CENDID’s plant asset management system offered detailed information of energy use and maintenance requirements to both management and plant operators alike. This optimizes the decision process for capital intensive production equipment and reduces the life cycle costs at the production site.